Sunday, 16 November 2014


I wonder how many scrap bookers revisit their old scrapbooking layouts. I do this all the time and, although I don’t think I have a particular style, I’m always amazed at the difference between now and my earlier efforts.

 I first dabbled with scrapbooking about 10 years ago but never really followed through. I guess it was because I was time poor, and short on supplies. Then about four years ago I decided to take it up again and since then I have been scrapping fairly consistently. About three years ago I started trying digital scrapbooking and it didn’t take me long to get hooked on it. Now I love doing all sorts of scrapbooking and it’s such a pleasurable pursuit for me. I’m glad I renewed my interest in it.

I thought I would show you one of my very first scrapbooking efforts that I did in 2005.
The photos are from 1995 and, as you can see, I’ve used patterned paper, one sticker and I’ve hardly done any journaling.
At the time I think my main concern was to get all my photos out of their old albums where the glue was making the photos deteriorate. Once I removed all the photos and filed them I was overwhelmed with the huge task of scrapbooking them all, so I took on the task with speed rather than creativity in mind. This was probably another reason why I didn’t follow through for a few years.

Anyway, the following layout is more like the way I would scrap the same photos today.  A big difference, I’m sure you’ll agree.

I have been told that your scrapbooking style over the years tells a story in itself and, as such, you shouldn’t change your early layouts. I agree with this to a certain extent. However, I want to leave my scrapbooking albums to future generations to enjoy, so I will definitely be revisiting some of old layouts and updating them!

Thank you for reading part of my scrapbooking story.

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