Monday, 20 October 2014

CSI Case File 144

Hello again Lovelies
Today I'm playing along with CSI Case File 144 and this is the challenge.
I love this colour scheme so I couldn't pass the challenge up. This is what I came up with (sorry for the glare from the flairs).
The page contains all five colours - yellow, grey, black, white and aqua.
My evidence includes water colour paint (background splatters), polka dots, stripes, and triangles.
 I used this old photo of my son, who is now 21, and asked him a series of questions relating to the impact of changes on his life between then and now. I used those questions and his answers to create the hidden journaling that is on the back of the layout.
Here are some close-ups of the details in my layout.
Thank you for dropping by again. xxx


  1. oooo love how you used the colors. this totally pops.

  2. I really love your style. This is another great layout and I love it on the black again... <3


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