Monday, 15 December 2014

Scrapping Outback December Challenge

Hello All
I've decided to play along with the Scrapping Outback December challenge - White with a twist.
The challenge is to use white with the colours in this photo and to use at least one piece of chipboard. I was attracted to this photo because it just screams "summer" and I've been enjoying some beautiful summer weather in Melbourne lately.
The colours fit perfectly with an old travel photo I have. I took the photo many years ago on a little, cheap instamatic camera and I'm always astounded at how beautiful it turned out. This is how I scrapped it.
For the background I used Gelatos, Gesso,water colour paint and water colour pencils. I've used several chipboard elements, including hearts and "love this" sign. I matted the photo several times to make it stand out.
Here are some close ups.
I enjoyed doing this layout. I hope you like it and thanks for dropping by. :)


  1. Wendy, this is STUNNING!!!! WOW!!!
    Thank you so much for entering our challenge this month :)

  2. WOW - this really is a stunning page and the background is just divine. The colours are beautiful. Hope you will join us again next month Wendy. :)

  3. absolutely exquisite LO, thanks so much for playing along in 2014.


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